I need suggestions for my first solo rpg
Anyone else given up on rounds?
MMW: DOD is massing troops at the Mexican border supposedly for border security but 47 really plans will send the military into Mexico to attack cartels.
Wait ...
Level 2 players have a nuke, what do I do now?
I’m not messing with these guys!
How do I get my no-bake cookies to look like these? 😍
Tried making cookies
The moment I realised the new play pen wasn’t as rat proof as I’d hoped
Local radio station Facebook post. Is this acceptable?
*SOMEONE* didn’t want to get in the scales bowl
Please come back and thank Bill!
Tried Nuri Sardines in Tomato Sauce today. Not a fan.
John Cena just turned heel. What’s hardcore for dealing with shit you thought would never happen and is difficult to process?
That boy ain't right
Why *isnt* pizza healthy?
One of my players just posted this about me, how would you have responded?
What games are you guys playing on your off time ? ( If you game )
Help, please! I'm scared. this is in my gold fish / Briselnose pleco tank. should i be worried.
It's LGBTQ+ season here in Oz and I'm hitting up Mardi Gras tomorrow. Thoughts? GNC trans femme.
We need more bots spreading positivity
Fired Federal Workers Blow the Whistle on the Actions of DOGE and The Trump Administration.
Bought yellow neocardinia and got these guys
Temu is killing it
My friend is performing at a local LGBTQ owned LGBTQ bar tonight.