Aqara heater switch duplicates itself in HomeKit
Aqara Heater Switch not found on iOS control center after iOS18
Carpark lot stealer
What jobs exempt you from reservist?
Where do you guys put cash after maxing out UOB and OCBC high yield savings accounts?
People working in Commodities, what do you earn?
Is topping up CPF and SRS worth it for tax relief?
Let’s talk cars
Private Property in SG or NZ?
Taking Loan for Investment - Good Idea?
Camping in Singapore??
Anyone at Raffle Place just experienced that crazy winds and rain?
Wall mount = garbage sound
Dirty screen effect?
who are they?
There's Mormons now actively spreading their faith on the train
Ways to reduce income tax?
What happens when you income hits 100k?
UOB Visa Infinite - worth it for existing customers?
Ace 🎧
What’s a luxury that you refuse to cut/stop?
Some guy told me to stop flying in Iceland
Mom saw this in the sky. She said it looked even brighter in person. Any ideas of what it could be? She’s roughly an hour and a half from space coast.
Mini 4 Pro in snow conditions?
DJI mini 4 Pro weird behavior while landing.