Genuine question: Why does being a good person is so tight to your gender(being a good/real man)?
I am not trying to say that this is wrong or critique it in anyway i just want to understand. I genuinely don't get it.
As a woman, i have never linked my need of being a good person, whatever that means for you, to my gender. Like what is the difference between a good man and a good woman? Like i am only focused on being good.
Also i have never met a woman in my life that made any kind of corellation of the success and achievements she seeks with her gender. Also , almost all men i have met, young and old seem to, idk how to put it, but basically being focused , when trying to improve or maintain their achievements, on achieving this ideal of manhood they have internalized. However even if this persona of the perfect man varies extremely from person to person, all seem to have it.
What does it mean to be a good man for you, that can only be achieved by men? Why is success , whatever that means for you(money, power, kindness, family, justice etc.) So linked to your gender?
Whenever i think about my perfect version of myself, and who i strive to become, i dont see it as "the perfect woman" but as the perfect person in my eyes.