Angajare MAE, inginer de retea/sistem
Which job do you consider to be the best ever?
Is just me or isnt the "declining birth rates crisis" two steps away from advocating against woman rights?
How to do a correct squat with a (previous) sprained kneecap?
What do you consider an exciting and fullfiling life would be for you, and how do you live or why not that life?
Daca considerati ca job ul vostru este palpitant, interesant satisfacator si poate putin obscur, va rog impartasiti cu noi ce faceti si argumentati de ce indeplineste aceste conditii, orice intelegi voi prin ele.
Yo, please don't go work for Nazis.
Genuine question: Why does being a good person is so tight to your gender(being a good/real man)?
What is the farthest constellation visible with the naked eye
What is the farthest constellation visible with the naked eye?
All Space Questions thread for week of January 26, 2025
Cea mai buna carte/culegere pentru analiza.
Teorie fizica mecanica bac subiectul 2.
Definitely in it for the money
I crave power over others. I want my will to dominate their reality.
Ministrul Apărării vrea să crească efectivele Armatei Române: „Vrem să ajungem la 100.000 de persoane”
Do you feel the moral, personal obligation to do good with your degree whatever that means for you?
[No spoilers] Are the battle strategies in the book legit?
CMV: objective and universal truth does not exist.
If money weren't a problem in what country would you choose to live and why?
How do you fight slave labour in capitalism?
Instead of raising minimum wage...
Parere despre universitate per total.