I feel like I THINK I have food insecurity issues due to the pandemic and Texas winter storm. Does anyone relate or have any advice?
I want to stress that I'm extremely fortunate with the fact that I'm employed and I'm able to buy groceries or order food. I am not hungry and I'm able to eat everyday. But it's like I feel like I'm going to run out of food or go hungry.
I don't think anyone needs a reminder about how it felt in March - April 2020 when grocery stores had issues with stocking products...and how scary that was for everyone.
Then in Texas with the winter storm in February 2021, it seemed worse. I was out of power for 4 days with no running water for a week, and I was snowed in for those 4 days so I couldn't drive anywhere (no snow plows or shovels in TX). I was stuck in my apartment with my dog, though we went out to my car to get warm. Due to the power being off, I had to throw out all my food from the fridge and freezer. I pretty much ate peanut butter and crackers and cereal those 4 days. Then 5 days later, the power came back on and the sun was out long enough to melt the snow so I was able to drive to the stores.
Everything was picked over at all the stores I went to, even more so than at the beginning of the pandemic. And due to the power outage all over my city, all the frozen and refrigerated items in those stores were spoiled so they couldn't sell them. I ended up going to Target again the next morning right when it opened and picked up some Jimmy Dean frozen sandwiches (literally the only frozen product they had in stock). Then a few days later, I think most stores were stocked back to normal, I can't remember.
Anyway, I cleaned out my pantry today and realized I had bought a ton of food after the storm for emergencies that I never actually ate so most of it was past the expiration date. But I still wanted a ton of food in my pantry in case something happened. And tonight I ordered take-out and also ordered dessert, and I realized the dessert was huge and I didn't need it. Especially since I've already done my Christmas grocery shopping and have more than enough food.
Just like, what is my problem?