Has any survivor managed to find someone emotionally healthy to love and had a successful marriage?

I (36F) am wondering how likely it is that I'll be able to find an emotionally healthy man (who validates and listens to me) who wants to marry me, who had a traumatic and abusive childhood, with no contact with my abusive family.

I really want to get married and have kids in the next 5 years and I'm still holding out hope there are single men my age like this lol. At my job (I've been there about 9 months), my boss is like this. A real catch and I might have a slight crush (because I probably have attachment issues lol). Nothing will happen and I don't want to get involved with a coworker. But I was thinking how I rarely meet men like him, and interacting with him has upped my standards on what I want in a man.

But then I think about it, and reflect on how realistic is it I'll find a healthy man like this.

edit: wow, this blew up! 😂 Thank you for all your responses!