I am limerent
I went out with a girl a few times. Before one of the dates she told me she is not romantically interested but really enjoys hanging out with me. I admitted that I liked her, and told her I am cancelling the date because I would not be comfortable going out with her given these news. She understood.
We hang out in the same circle. I see her once or twice a month. The thing is, we really do enjoy eachothers company. We can talk about a lot of things. I don't treat her differently than before, other than not texting her or inviting her out. She knows me more than a lot of other people, so she also naturally walks towards me when we're all hanging out. Last time when I arrived, she immediately hugged me. No one else opened their arms to do so.
This confuses the hell out of me. On one hand I like it, while on the other I really need space. I understand that I have a needs for physical affection, companionship etc. I don't have anyone else who is both understanding and open to being so close to me and I think it's keeping me stuck on her. I'm desparately trying to expand my social circle just to escape this. It's no one's fault, but it is my responsibility to deal with this.