I am limerent
How can I stop being scared of my perception of moms invalidation? Why do I even feel like this?
Which kind of branches do birds (magpies) use for their nests?
Regret after positive social interactions
She rejected me and I don't think we should be friends
I am lonely
8 dates in… he must like me, right?
Help me I'm in despair
Connecting with people over things you have in common/nothing
Creatine temperature stability
Freycinet National Park, Tasmania, Australia
Having trouble not judging old friends harshly for their immature lifestyles.
Moving without expecting rewards both now and later
Procrastinating doing my thesis
Learning social skills
Something besides work and pleasure
Should ask her out / Approach her
Help me please
Does CBT not work for logical people?
How do you handle an acquaintance eating/drinking something from your fridge?
How do you handle an acquaintance eating/drinking something from your fridge without asking for permission first?
Question for those who mediatate regularly - what motivates you, and what's your environment?
I am afraid that other people see me as a threat/defective
Says I'm "Like a brother", but makes sexual comments
Deciding if we should still be friends