All my parts seem tethered together & united by rage.
That's the one thing that they all seem to agree on. It's strange but it's true. I'm SUPER SUPER new to IFS but no matter what parts of me i've come in contact with- they all definitely agree on one thing & it's anger & revenge/rebellion/fighting.
They can be disjointed & working against one another until it's a proverbial "go" time. Then it just snaps into place. Like every single part merges into one & agrees on one thing, one single goal, "we have to fight."
Just a strange & odd thing I realised. Every single part of me agrees & loves doing boxing for example. No complaints for any part, just a "yup! Awesome!".
I guess no matter what every single part of me agrees that fighting, and I don't just mean physically but I mean... against my sad state of affairs- is good.
Like that anger is the one thing that chains them all together. In a good way.