Wow you kinda in hindsight realise how desensitised you were
What do you live for?
What do I do with all the stored up anger?
How kind strangers can be sometimes makes me realise how hard I grovelled for no reward/ unavailable people.
What’s something that seems ‘normal’ to others, but is a huge struggle for you?
I never really realised how detrimental a lack of play was/ forced to be still/ be a statue/ denied fun / denied flight.
Anyone else get ‘stuck’ and somehow end up doing nothing all day?
Does anyone else tend to hide their talents and hobbies?
I hate that I am being punished with loneliness for not being good at developing and maintaining relationships
All my parts seem tethered together & united by rage.
Lack of a childhood/ shocked at how much of a big “nothing” my upbringing/existence was.
For those of you with covert narc moms, was it common for them to find "replacement kids" that they were the perfect parent figure to?
I hate the fact that I exist because of delusion
The more I reflect on it, the more I hate my parents for the neglect
Does anyone else feel like death is right around the corner?
Have you ever been so dysregulated that you destroyed your life?
Fuck my parents fuck my abusers fuck life
Traumatised by flying monkey/ Emom???
It sucks having to work twice as hard just to be normal !
Flight response triggered by “complainers”/ranters?
People messaging me after I posted, I feel uncomfortable?
Was anyone else really poor/borderline poverty/ low income areas but was constantly exposed to immense wealth?
My brain keeps trying to tell me I was sexually abused but I wasn’t
Healing makes you realise how normalised & everywhere “bad” things are/ poor behaviour is.
Did your family saying "sorry" ever help?