Ok, suddenly SignalRGB causes my monitor to turn off/on randomly while the window is in focus.
Edit: A complete wipe of GPU drivers in Safe Mode using DDU, with Signal uninstalled, then reinstalling both, seems to have fixed it.
My house lost power, briefly, for a split second. Not enough to turn the lights off, but enough to restart the computer. Yes, it's plugged into a confirmed grounded/protected nice Belkin surge protector, all of it. This seems to have been the catalyst. Nothing else is behaving strangely.
Now SignalRGB shuts off one of my monitors when I have it in focus. The monitor turns off and on sort of randomly, and the issue stops if I stop Signal or just minimize it.
It happens with all of my monitors, I've tried all 3, each one plugged in by itself, and the issue persists - only with SignalRGB running, and only when it's in focus. I notice that I seem to get a "drop in FPS" on my desktop as well. The issue does not exist if Signal isn't running or in focus.
I have fully uninstalled (3rd party program, geek uninstaller) SignalRGB and reinstalled, the issue persists.
I had to reinstall L-Connect3 to get my Lian-Li fans working in Signal, I don't know why but they will not show up unless I install that program and then uninstall it. It's what I did and had been working flawlessly (aside from the lighting effects doing weird stuff on a restart/sleep) and doing so just allowed Signal to interact with my fans once again, but still the monitor turns off, which is completely new.
Windows still detects all 3 displays, Taskbar and windows don't shuffle around. It just goes black. It just happened with 2/3 of them at the same time now.
Any input would be helpful, I've looked for this issue on google and there's only 1 single reddit thread about it with no help.