Waking up to which one of these guys watching you sleep at 3am would cause you to shit yourself least violently?
What's this guy's name?
Finally after 150+ hours! Any suggestions on anointment?
Women of Reddit, what's the female equivalent of getting blue balls?
An adult argument
Maybe Maybe Maybe
41 million Spanish first language citizens, with many in his base…
I feel like I just found something rarer than krillson
I'm over idols. Please suggest a build for painless campaign.
Why didn't dinosaurs evolve into an intelligent society ?
Donald Trump Named in Jeffrey Epstein Flight Logs Released by His Own Attorney General
Tectonic Slam of Cataclysm vs Earthshatter of Prominence. I think the latter does substantially more damage. Is PoB lying to me?
Early Access Patch Notes - 0.1.1e Patch Notes
The UK reportedly arrests more people than Russia for things they said on social media
... unless you're the President of the United States - or a Republican, in general
Increase my General's Cry Ancestral Commander Tankyness: Practical ways.
Never Seen a Teen be such an adult compared to their elder...
Pure Spectre Ancestral Commander - All Content, Ubers, T17s, Deathless.
‘We’d Be Delighted’: The Daily Show Welcomes Elon Musk’s Demand for an Unedited Interview with Jon Stewart
Failed attempt to end it all, or maybe he's an adrenaline junkie or just a fool.??
Crazy old man don‘t do that….
What death of a famous person actually affected you most?
Stingray Give Birth
Patch Notes - 3.25.3d Hotfix 3 - Forum - Path of Exile
Why Shakespeare was a genius
Ok, suddenly SignalRGB causes my monitor to turn off/on randomly while the window is in focus.