It's time to grind in the mines. NEW episode of Mega Island available now
On the next episode of Total Dra-
"This is the Department of Environmental Protections! You're busted, McLean!" Unknown
Oh come on. Anyways, we move on after getting rid of a Big drama machine
"Barry must've smelled that tamale trickster walking around." Keith
So just cause of that, i'm punishing all these boring people-
"This is highly unorthodox!" Cameron
By sending them to a place on a lower level
"CARLY!" Sky and Millie
"And Tyler." Alejandro
Where they'll have to cooperate-
"Shut up, Shakespeare. We need to talk." Valerie
If they want to come out alive
"What?! I only got fifteen seconds to live!" Sugar
I'm not joking about that
"Uh, guys? Better look behind you." Zee
This may actually be the deadliest
"You can't be here! You're DEAD! I KILLED YOU!" Phoebe
More dangerous-
"You've been crying, Sky?" Nikki
"N-no. Just got dust in my eye." Sky
And stress inducing-
"EW! Armpit hair!" Millie
Challange EVER
"BOMBS?! Too far, McLean! Too far!" Jo
And it's also a security policy
"Oh, sweet Lord. We're in a world of hell now." Keith
Total Drama Mega Island Episode 52 Available NOW. Only on Fanfiction
On the next episode of Total Dra-
"This is the Department of Environmental Protections! You're busted, McLean!" Unknown
Oh come on. Anyways, we move on after getting rid of a Big drama machine
"Barry must've smelled that tamale trickster walking around." Keith
So just cause of that, i'm punishing all these boring people-
"This is highly unorthodox!" Cameron
By sending them to a place on a lower level
"CARLY!" Sky and Millie
"And Tyler." Alejandro
Where they'll have to cooperate-
"Shut up, Shakespeare. We need to talk." Valerie
If they want to come out alive
"What?! I only got fifteen seconds to live!" Sugar
I'm not joking about that
"Uh, guys? Better look behind you." Zee
This may actually be the deadliest
"You can't be here! You're DEAD! I KILLED YOU!" Phoebe
More dangerous-
"You've been crying, Sky?" Nikki
"N-no. Just got dust in my eye." Sky
And stress inducing-
"EW! Armpit hair!" Millie
Challange EVER
"BOMBS?! Too far, McLean! Too far!" Jo
And it's also a security policy
"Oh, sweet Lord. We're in a world of hell now." Keith
Total Drama Mega Island Episode 52 Available NOW. Only on Fanfiction