Why do i like Dave, Sky and Skave
Why do i like Sky?
Why i like Dave, and how he became my favourite character.
Total Drama Re-Maked & Expanded
If Total Drama ever did a second All Stars season, here is who I think they’d cast(Spoiler tag is for if I mention the second reboot season)
It's time to grind in the mines. NEW episode of Mega Island available now
Two weeks till update! What are you hoping to see in the next LEGO PASS?
Brains vs Brawn
Tell me your favorite character without telling me your favorite character
Say what you want about Noah dating Emma in RR, at least the writers gave the former a chance to truly be relevant to a multi-episode storyline for once, amirite?
Thoughts on Wicked Binge's Good to Evil video for all the Total Drama characters?
Tell me some characters that you'd want to interact and I will make a image of how everything would go
What if Gwen kiss Courtney instead of Duncan in world Tour?
Ranking Skave Interactions
Which "Inferior" Team Was The Best?
Since it's still the month of love. Decided to update my Dave ships tierlist (read)
What If I was in Disventure Camp All Stars(Yellow Team version)
Suggestions for any good Total Drama fics? (Competition ones)
Davella fan-kids + some update
Dakota's picture for her birthday in the sub
Annika Anomalies still being considered?
What is your favorite comfort ship?
San Valentrix Day 11 Mad AU (Toepick/Hor-oger)
Love Month Day 11 Ozzy Rollercoaster