What house does Pluto fall in your natal chart, & how has it shown up in your life?

If you don’t know what house Pluto falls in, I’d recommend looking at your Astro-seek.com natal chart & seeing what “sector” Pluto falls in! :)

For reference, Pluto is a planet that represents creation & destruction, transformation, changes, and can present as an area of life that faces intense cycles (for better & worse). With Pluto it typically teaches lessons you must embrace, while embracing those lessons can lead to positive transformation (but not without growing pains).

My Pluto falls in the 4th house natally in Placidus (5th house in whole signs), and I’ve seen hints of both.

With Pluto in my 4th house, it shows up because I’ve quite literally moved homes 25 times in my life (I’m 27 for reference). 15-20 times in my childhood due to financial instability on my mother’s part, and 5-10 times so far as an adult due to relocations, new jobs, bad roommates, etc. BUT on the good side, I purchased a condo in September of last year in my dream location (which as an early Gen Z individual I never thought I’d do), so through tons of hard work I now have housing stability.

I see the hints of a 5th house Pluto through a struggle to find my passion/hobbies, but I also found a foreign spouse that changed my life (Pluto in Sagittarius in the 5th can sometimes relate to transformations in romance, and Sagittarius can represent travel). I ended up relocating for him & it’s going super strong. But in the past I’ve relocated for men & it’s been a mistake.

So I’m curious how it’s plays out in your life!