RESULTS: What do people ACTUALLY think of the signs? & some Statistical Analysis.
Having a good Mars feels just like this ♂️
PROTIP- If you want an accurate Astrocartography reading, you NEED to share your natal chart as well.
My birth location is making me mentally and physically ill
Hot determination dilemma
The 12th House
I googled “where” the upcoming lunar eclipse was going to take place, and this is what google gave me. Thanks for the heads up, Google 😭🤣 I never would’ve guessed.
Which Sign ?
I FINALLY understand what my Variables mean in human design! The difference between the brain & mind.
Saturn in Aries babies
Venus + Moon sign = Your Love Language
When life is so crazy, even my ice cream is giving me signs and advice 😂
if you could only keep one placement-
And...she's right (,,¬﹏¬,,)
Can we manifest things that our birth chart has denied?
Worst moon sign?
What’s your sign (or big 3) vs the sign people think you are?
Limiting beliefs (advice needed)
The missing piece: what ACTUALLY worked for me to start manifesting ✨
What did you do to release what you've had resistance to the longest?
What is the most unexpected thing or person you guys have attracted through LOA
Scorpio Moons, I see you. And I LOVE all of you.
What in Human Design signals your interest(s)?
What house does Pluto fall in your natal chart, & how has it shown up in your life?
which zodiac sign or placements have youthful appearance?