How to know if people find you attractive

So I am in a small grad school program and I think people do not find me attractive at all. It is small things that I notice that makes me wonder. For example, I was bowling with a couple of classmates and they started to compliment each other's looks. The girl in the group never complimented mines at all. She complimented the guy that is her best male friend who every girl has a crush on including her. She complimented the guy next to him and so on.

I was skipped. Also I noticed she never touches me like she does the others. She straight up was laying on one of the guys and guide the other guy to his lane with her hand. With me, she had hover hands. At first, I thought maybe it was a confidence thing because admittedly I am more reserved than some of the others. However, she grab another dude who is shy. His body language literally was him ludge over and holding his arm. Kinda mad because this girl is supposed to be my friend. I hang out with her all the time so I'm kinda offended that she acts like this.

Outside of this event, people in class have never complimented my looks or said that I looked good but they have complimented other dudes. I was thought I was attractive because people back home said so like random dudes at the bar. Or friends of friends. Grad school the first environment where people treat me like a nobody. I'm curious what others think