Would you leave a relationship if you are being treated right but you aren't happy
I'm a virgin who has a gf but she doesn't want to sleep with me
Thankful for this community
I feel like I don’t belong.
How do you maintain relationships with female friends
Why don’t girls like me?
What’s the rule of asking women out at their work?
Are you really flirting with an arm touch?
What is a pickup line that has actually made you laugh/smile?
How to know if people find you attractive
Can girls tell if a guy has a crush on them
How would you respond to this type of constructive feedback?
What are some “girlier” songs that you enjoy?
How do you properly connect with a female friend
Extremely sad after being disliked in my grad school program
I need some advice on how to deal with bullying within school
How do I get my female friends to stop talking about their dating “troubles” with me?
How flirty/romantic do you get or need to get on a first date?
How would you react if a guy friend was vulnerable about he felt just as a friend
Why is my female friend all of sudden interested in me
Why are women this way? Did I do something wrong?
I need to become more confident according to my professor
She rejected me and I don't think we should be friends
How many dates/hangouts before being girlfriend/boyfriend?
What's your guys opinion on a trad woman