Fainted on previous flight, then denied yesterday as "not fit to fly"

5 months ago I posted on here as I was feeling anxious on a flight home from Miami and fainted before takeoff. I was asked by the flight attendant if I would like to exit, and feeling absolutely horrible and scared I said yes. The plane returned to the gate, and I was yelled at by passengers as I exited. It was awful. There was no follow-up or assistance when we exited. The next day we called to rebook and we're informed there were not flights for 2 days (Air Canada). We decided to cut our losses and drive. When we were trying to rebook via phone, no one mentioned that I will now require a medical "fit to fly" form. Last night I arrived at the airport for an Air Canada flight to Mexico. This would be my first flight since that incident. I have been working really hard to overcome my anxiety and was feeling prepared. I was not able to check in online and was told to go to the agent. I waited over an hour in line. Once with the agent they started asking me weird questions: show my ID with my address, write down my email on a piece of paper. I thought there may be a clerical error they were resolving.He then picked up the phone and was hold for 20 minutes. He started asking me about exiting a previous flight and said I cannot fly without medical clearance. By this point, we were to board in less than an hour. We were shocked. Why was I never informed of this when we called to rebook in Florida, when I booked this flight, or when my online check-in was denied. At this point it was to late and they wouldn't let me fly. So, myself and two family members left and had to cancel all of our accommodations and experiences in Mexico City. Some which we are not being given a refund. They have rebooked me on a flight for Saturday and today I need to go to a walk-in cinic. I am embarrassed all over again and my anxiety is now super high again. I don't want to ever inconvenience people and am afraid I am just not cut out for flying. Has this every happened to anyone? **UDPATE* I got all the forms filled and arrived at the airport 3 hours early today. I was again asked private medical information at the check-in desk. I was told I was verbally cleared but they cannot change it in the system. The medical provider they need to call is closed on Saturday. My profile was finally updated 15 minutes before take off and we were again not able to board