I FINALLY understand what my Variables mean in human design! The difference between the brain & mind.
For reference, I’m a 1/3 Emotional Projector. My variables are PLR DRR.
All of my variables point right aside from my Personality Mind (which is left pointing). This gives me a passive brain, but an active mind.
I had no clue WTF the difference was between the brain & the mind was, since they’re both words I associate with “thinking”. My head & Ajna are also undefined, so I had NO clue how to have an active mind while letting the rest of me become passive. I also have a RAX of Service 3, which wants to make corrections in the world around them, so I felt STUCK. It seemed like contradictory energy to me.
After a couple of years of struggling with what direction to turn my mind/brain towards, after years of spiraling trying to figure out how to direct my mental energy, trying to get into a routine, I decided since my brain is passive, my perception is right facing, while my head/ajna are open, to just… try to turn them off to see what happens. Even though my mind is strategic, I’d just figure out how to deal with it later. I already have practiced meditating, so I just used those practices to clear my mind.
Yesterday I read an article while just lazily browsing on the internet (I was passively taking it in). I chose the article based on my “desire” motivation. And then suddenly, almost like a switch, SOMETHING TURNED THE “ON” BUTTON ON IN MY MIND. I was reading about an Astrology concept; the concept included lots of data, some visuals, math, etc and suddenly I was flooded with ways to improve the system I was reading about. My passive brain consolidated the important variables I was perceiving, and my active mind was able to sort & solve through the data. I was writing down the solutions in a journal almost like channeled/automatic writing, and this surge of energy kept me writing for almost an hour. Once I fully took note of the idea, my mind died back down, and I returned to my default state. I had realized what had happened. I didn’t feel drained, I felt happy & excited.
I realized that the brain represents how you take in the detail around you, and I was previously trying to take in WAY too much. While the mind, which for me is my left pointing arrow, revolves around coming up with strategic problem-solving ideas using the data points I observe around me (even if the observations are done passively).
Its such a relief that I can be braindead until my mind sees something to get excited about & solve 😭😭💕
So yeah, I just wanted to share :) and I’m curious, has anyone here experimented operating using your variables?? And what was the biggest “AHA moment” you’ve ever dealt with through the deconditioning process? If you’re still trying to figure out how to manage your variables, what’s making you feel ‘stuck”? (Maybe myself or someone else can chime in with suggestions).