KCD2 For Whom The Bell Tolls

Fuck this quest.

That is all...

For anyone looking to complete, I feel this is the optimum way -

Move the bags of charcoal.

Tall to blacksmith and tell him you'll help.

Go to the smithy and rob the red jar on the shelf, then open the chest, grab materials and forge a horseshoe.

Go back and talk to the blacksmith.

Take horseshoe to the groom and ask about his past, then about lockpicks so he tells you about the rosary.

Talk to Nicodemus and offer to play dice for the rosary, he won't play you, but now you know he has it.

Talk to the kneeling noble next to the blacksmith and tell him about the rosary, then follow him up The Maiden.

Steal food from the kitchen on the way back down, then head south through the courtyard and up the stairs to another kitchen with a lone gaurd.

Talk to the gaurd and give him some food, then sneak up the stairs nearly all the way to the top where you'll see a wooden hallway and a door on left and right.

Go through the right door and talk to the girl. Whether you persuade her or not doesn't seem to matter, just wait for her to leave then take the book on the shelf, lock pick the very easy chest, read the book for the Fever Brew recipe and create it at the alchemy bench.

Sneak back down, then run back up The Maiden with the potion, and you're done!