Luggage on Shinkansen
[KCD2] Easiest decision I've ever made
Transport between cities advice
Umeda Sky Building Love locks
Virtual Pet Watch Face
KCD2 For Whom The Bell Tolls
KCD 2 Storm
[KCD2] I am completely new and completely stuck!
KCD2 Repair Problem
Combat tips?
So I started bleeding in the game and no one sells bandages (kcd2)
Choices again
Ars Dimicatoria is the best quest so far.
KCD2 Glitch with loading a save on startup with dlc fix (at least on XBOX)
Overemcumbered is the greatest training method.
Who wouldn't like KD2? Why shouldn't I buy it?
For victory glitch
KCD2 Blacksmith's Son Game-breaking Bug
if kcd II didint have such a good story, i would drop it immediately
One little disappointment I have right now.
Out of all the things they brought into the game why this?..
kcd2 hermit issue
Yerrr big issues let me know if it the same
Random bandit encounter, I FINALLY beat them
Clinch and other buttons