Formal apology, if you've seen me in any livestream recordings

Hi all!! So I've been looking around at some recordings and gathering data, and it has come to my attention that quite a few recordings early on in the crashout phase have me in the chat defending Lexity on my art account. I've left other posts in this subreddit on a slightly more anonymous side account, but I want to formally apologize for any support I've personally showed her to anyone who frequents the subreddit and sees the recordings. I know it's a little selfish to want to "clear" my name like that, but please know I am genuinely and wholeheartedly embarrassed for any kindness or sympathy I gave to her. As a victim of BOTH sexual assault and false allegations, she is VERY good at manipulating people in my position onto her side. I know I'm not the only one.

On top of this, I guess I would also like to extend the idea of treating Lexity supporters with kindness. A lot of her 'supporters' right now are either young people who have established a heavy parasocial relationship with her, or other people who have been forced into her position before on genuinely false allegations. She is preying upon the naïveté of younger adults/teenagers, as well as the fear and emotions of other trans folks who HAVE BEEN falsely accused in the past. Please take the time to educate rather than bashing anyone who shows sympathy to her, because bashing people right off the bat only pushes them further away from our side and onto her side. So, if you see someone in her chat supporting her, try not to paint them in too bad of a light. Unless you've tried everything and they refuse to listen and still believe she is in the right, they are still capable of choosing to do the right thing.