What song gives you chills every time you hear that one moment?
New update makes CC clothes appear as white robes on home screen?
Stupid Account Names
Formal apology, if you've seen me in any livestream recordings
So... Do we hate Squirrel Girl mains?
What weird thing are you guys doing?
Which emote that says 'no, don't fking do that'?
EA, I am begging you to patch the relationships
What do you prioritize on the Child stage?
Show me your real life pets!
Who is the NPC you hate for no reason?
My sim's child is awful, and I couldn't be more happy about it.
What was the first thing that came to your mind when these colors showed up? (No Cheating)
How I think the US States should look as a Brit
Why did my teen gain romance skill from his childhood???
Show me your grim babies 😍
These are my top 10 favorite decor items, what are yours?
Saddest but cutest storyline yet in my legacy family
Day 3 of Getting Every US County From Comments
What creator kits are you hoping for?
Victorian Estate (Shell)
Pre-teens yes or no?
POV: you download CC from a very stingy creator
Trying to get a comment from every city - Part I