My insecurities, about my looks, my anxiety issue, it all makes me feel like a looser, & has kept me in depression,,but i want to Improve myself & work on myself, Any advice is appreciated 🙏
I always had insecurity about my looks from a very early age, and certain incidents with opposite sex, made me feel a lot bad about myself(those incidents were really bad because i considered myself inferior to others) which is a really really bad feeling
I have skin issues, no clear skin, + i have anxiety & social anxiety issue from childhood as well, & with all the insecurities combined, has resulted in me being depressed for a lot of years
- although i try to work my way up, but my personal issues (insecureties, anxiety) they all pull me down
Body wise am slightly skinny fat
You know it hurts really bad when i start considering myself not good enough of a person, constantly thinking am not good, others are better, it just makes me feel like a looser