Anyone remember TOTAL OVERDOSE?
Have you even been asked to give reassurance or comforting by an ultra attractive person
Hey guys. Can you say happy birthday for me
Any introverts feeling alone?
Therapist going to recommend gotham nights to recover.
My insecurities, about my looks, my anxiety issue, it all makes me feel like a looser, & has kept me in depression,,but i want to Improve myself & work on myself, Any advice is appreciated π
Do you find Spring days depressing?
As the game began, i was initially into Nora, because of her flirtious nature, but later towards the game, Autumn's sweet nature made me fall for her
f23 am i actually ugly or just average
Roast me
What went wrong with AC Valhalla? And what went right with AC Odyssey??
I never knew that Jagadish acted in a Bollywood film!
So its my V
Guys how do u think people would have reacted to this game if it was released now or last year?
My social anxiety pulling me down in life, i am afraid to go outside, am afraid if i can do anything in my life (Vent)
Finished this new game today! Its from the same developers wgo brought us Life is Strange games
What's your big 3 in gaming?? These are mine
Chhava's ending reaction!! Does this feel too much now?
POV: AK and VJ swap movies
Tired of People around me judging games based on Graphics alone...
Panchathanthiram - Toxic and immoral