Can anyone help me think of an alternative to smoking joints?
Hey everyone, so I've been smoking weed for almost 3 years now. Right now I am the most in control of my weed use I've ever been. I'm in a good mental place, and I went from being blazed 24/7 to smoking 1 to 2 joints per day. I absolutely do not have the impulse control to have a penjamin, I used to go through 3 in 2 weeks. Bongs are also a no go, I used to do bong rips but it just fucks my lungs too much, my lungs would feel like shit all the time. Edibles are also off the table, 1 in 10 people can't get high from edibles, and I happen to be the 1 out of 10.
The going outside for a smoke aspect of it is also pretty important to me, so combustion methods would be preferable. I'm mostly leaning towards pipes right now, but can anyone else think of any other methods? I'm just kind of sick of smoking joints.