How many times do you hit the penjamin per day?
How often is too often to do shrooms?
What's the craziest thing you've hallucinating on shrooms?
Day 1 of having 10 joints and not smoking them to teach myself self control 😎
My right ear suddenly went muffled, how do I know if it's just part of my cold or something worse?
Taking shrooms tomorrow for the first time in a month, any ideas on how to make sure I have a great trip?
I had sex for the first time last night and it didn't exactly go smoothly, does anyone have any advice?
I just found out my old long time crush didn't want to go out with me because I looked like somebody else
I'm going to her house for the night for the first time, would it be smart to bring condoms?
We've been talking for 3 weeks now (M and F both 18), and we like eachother, but she still seems pretty upset about her ex
It's been an hour since I filled thos shit and it still hasn't moved 😭
Any tips on entering a long distance relationship for the first time?
I have no weed and nicotine this weekend, how do I keep myself sane?
M18 Am I wrong for considering asking my friend F19 to be FWB's? Should I ask her?
3 questions about Psilocybin infused foods
Can anyone help me think of an alternative to smoking joints?
I feel like we're moving too fast, what should I do?
How do I know when it's time to make a move?
It's been 2 months and I still haven't received any confirmation emails, did I get scammed?
Would I enjoy acid?
How do I ensure I have the best trip?
Can girls and guys be best friends?