I love dinosaurs, can you help me with my beyblades?
Rate my deck
Going to a first tournament, what should i play?
What combo for this bey?
I need some help making 3 combos out of these.
What would you call him?
New Mold?
Tried my hand at customising some beys!
My New Team
Looking forward to the tournament next weekend
Any combos ideas for this guy?
Color Perfect Unicorn Sting 3-60P. Now show me your perfect color combo!
Opinions about Sword Dran 5-60 T?
I have a tournament tomorrow, can you tell me to bring Hells Chain or Hells Scythe? Both are 9-60 B
What's the general opinion on this rude ape?
Literally had like 3 battles
Arcane Focus & hand written Spellbook spells and art
Five of the most underrated beys (not in any order)
Opinions on Drandagger?
Best defense type blade so far?
Opinions on this combo
Roar Tyranno 5-80 Point, any opinions?
Updated collection with my girlfriend!