40yo NASA engineer looking (quietly) for overseas job placement companies
Looking for wild west type recs
Canada, NZ, or Australia?
Yes we can go to the pub and have a game of chess after school.
Fantasy in a desert setting that isn't dune?
New Zealand Green List
M40 haven’t read a book in 10+ years
What is your favorite kid mispronunciation
What is the most innovative idea you've seen in a book?
Low-Magic Medieval Fantasy Novels?
Underwhelmed by Cibola Burn... should I continue with The Expanse?
A song that instantly depresses you no matter how happy you are when it comes on?
Any interesting non fiction biology or nature books that interest you?
Federal employee here. Should I reduce my retirement contribution to match and set aside the difference as an emergency fund.
What are you Dad's reading?
Meta Books That Break the Fourth Wall
Books with delicious prose that isn’t pretentious; or delicious pacing
Suggest me my next sci-fi obsession
I've deleted audible and kindle subscriptions whats my alternative?
Sorry this is probably a really boring question for LeGuin fans but..
Post Apocalyptic book recommendations
Help a 10yo non-reader into fantasy stories
Books from the perspective of an animal?
Sci fi books series recommendations
Perhaps the Stars primer?