As confused as i am, here's what seems to be the dlcs teasing for 2K25
Like each years as we approach the release date of the next game, what are y'all final thoughts on WWE 2K24 ?
I wanna do a new Shield vs Bloodline feud in 2K25 but who should be the new shield members?
If WWE 2k25 got a guest star, who do you think it’d be?
Per Fightful, Carmella's wwe contract recently expired, so unless a miracle happens like with Alexa Bliss, WWE 2K25 should be her last appearance in a wwe game at least for quite some time. (pic from 2K24 btw)
"One of them is not like the others" ass video 😭
Why Remove DiBiase, Bossman, and Lawler? DiBiase was just on TV. Will 2k15 have squash matches/stronger finishers?
Askin again now that a week and a half have passed since (early) releases, those who dislike Civ 7 right now, do you think the game can be "fixed" ?
No weapon, in a UFC cage and until one of you cannot fight anymore, y'all going against that dude ?
Those who dislike the game, in which category do you think it falls into ?
Map size and settings
Civ VII - Steam is LIVE (6 hours early!)
Apparently the review for Civ 7 are kinda mixed (as expected for a Civ game at launch) so based on the upcoming reviews, what is the best and what is the worst element of the game.
Who is the most controversial leader Civ7 could have ?
If those two guys switches place, how much do you guys think the story of their respectives games will be impacted ?
If both of these characters swapped games, how much of their game's respective stories would change ?
What is their arkham name ??
It's my headcanon
How much retconning of this game will be done in the next Arkham game?
With 2K25 on the way, one of my wishes is that we finally leave this John Cena attire in the past 😭
Handhelds 2025 / Rog Ally 2
Best settings for GTA 4 and AC Unity ?
Did i became too "good" or was Episode 1 just way more difficult than any episodes going forward ?
Imagine they added one more playable character for the final episode