roommates ate my birthday cake
My OA gave me 1 hour for 2 coding problems, and this is one of them.
Someone put chicken in my engine. What does it mean?
a random packman looking valentines game popped up on my M16
Got this 2011 bad boy for $20
He really was into it
I hate that by saving this video, my algorithm is likely gonna suggest him more…
am i allowed to duplicate mail key?
What's up with crypto??
Genuinely I'm creeped 😭
This is actually funny
I still hate that Sal isn't writing anything
Describe this problem and solution in leetcode terms.
Separate the 2 groups of duck 🪿🦮
My daughter came up with a tourism slogan for Iowa. I told her no one would get it.
Day 10 🙂
Sold the PS5 and got this instead.
is this a scam? i am expecting few packages that weren’t delivered last week
What does my fridge say about me?
Rip dude
I wake up and my magic keyboard has air bubbles in it, how?? And what do I do?
iPhone wallet now supports Iowa Drivers license!
AirPods Pro 2: Long-Term Review
no audio in some cut scenes of alan wake remastered on xbox series s
no audio in some cut scenes of alan wake remastered