Biggest struggle in the trades?
Important question
Firearm Classes/Gun Range Recommendations
Is Six Flags over Texas still as popular as i remember?
Who was the single weirdest dude you knew in The Corps?
Have you ever shit yourself as an adult, if so what is your story?
Texas union members… how worried if at all should we be about the future. I know we already aren’t a strong unon state. Will anything change/get worse?
am i ugly
How many pull ups could y’all do when you were in and how many can you do if you hopped on a bar right now?
How do people in the skilled trades deal with mental health issues? Ex. Depression, substance abuse, anxiety, PTSD.
You died and were reborn in the last game you played, how screwed are you?
Roll Call
This is 1 trip at Vorkath
RIP 20.000 hours jagex account email gone (hotmail alias changed)
2004-2007 veterans, what sites did you use back in the day related to runescape?
How will you describe your life now in ONE word?
Local 420 Lifestyle
Best full size accurate 9mm pistol-$700 or lower
Local 22(Buffalo, NY) + Local 1/ 638(NYC)
What gig allowed you to skate the most?
Dupe skotos @ 4 kc.. 3rd age legs @ 4 hard clues. What is this rng
Would any union member, or any worker for that matter, really prefer to work in the south than in New England or west coast?
whats a good route to make $100k a yr in dfw?
Working with an asshole foreman