We love yoghurt and any other dairy product
A new smol addition to the family
Men of reddit what 'girly' habits do you enjoy?
What has been the weirdest scenario in your life which turned you on?
I cross-stitched the Bridge Four insignia for my fiancé and it sits on our Sandershrine.
Album First Listen: What's your favorite track?
What never fucking works like it's supposed to?
What small thing happened to you today that made you inordinately happy?
Men of Reddit, when picking out a new pair of boxers, there's always the situation of choosing between an elastic waist band and now that the girls have stopped reading, what's your favorite type of flower?
[Serious] Teenagers of Reddit, what is one thing you’d like to ask the adults of Reddit?
What is a movie that is just so incredibly stupid that it is brilliant again?
What question do you ask a date to get a genuine insight into who they are?
What weird tan lines do you have?
What was the last lie you told ?
What's the worst thing you got in trouble for doing in high school?
What is your favorite way to pass the time during a power outage?
What's your biggest guilty pleasure?
What was your biggest "I don't belong here" moment?
Instead of cussing, what phrases do you say?
You are given 1000 dollars to spend on your hobbies, what do you buy?
What is your go-to inexpensive lunch?
What is the dumbest question someone legitimately asked you?
Upvoted Threads
Literally all my emails to my professors
Parking on Campus