Albums here you straight up hate?
We always talk about rappers falling off but what about producers that started off scorching hot but later fell off?
The Duckinem Show
What Is The WORST Song By A Band/Artist You Love?
Guess my top 10 fav artists rn
Worst album rollouts?
Petition to actually shut down the sub for good if Antony scores a hat trick against Real Madrid this Saturday
Whats the best concept album of all time?
Songs you wish were longer/shorter?
What is your favourite album of all time and your favourite movie of all time?
What do you think fantanos top 10 looks like? (Image unrelated)
Wunk searched for their inner strength
What rapers do you wanna see on the next gorillaz album?
Biggest robbery at the Grammys?
what’s the best song to die to?
What is one album no one talks about but you absolutely love?
Thoughts on this song 1211 months after its release?
Which rapper owned that particular year?
Thoughts on Duran Duran?
Leicester City has today parted company with First Team Coaches Ben Dawson and Danny Alcock
Thoughts on this album 664 months after its release?
Better Call Saul and its portrayal of women
Day-4 Whats D
Do you guys think Kanye is like Bojack Horseman?