I am convinced cheaters have small wieners
Main fit, anyone with this mask is a certified Drip Connoisseur
This time I played with my own mind!
Update 5.10.0 — THE FINALS
I guess that pixel was low
Is it just me or is Smoke + Thermal vision highly underrated?
Felt like a real gunslinger!
Ready for battle
Thats how you keep them off you while stealing the cashout⛓️⛓️⛓️
Just released a video "A love letter to THE FINALS"
Why does no one use this?
A very lucky wheel, 3 in a row
Flauschiger schimmel auf meinem Camembert
Fcar or Akm?Which is overall better?
OTTR Griefing his own team mates
Mid-Season Update 5.8.0 — THE FINALS
That one sledge main after a bad day at work
Dropped an absolute BOMB
New chashout manipulation strategy just dropped🔥@RaNzInAtOr
Watch until END
Trying to master the Revolver! #Day 1
Which one os the better one? And why? The Casual or The Fashionista
Sometimes I feel like an overweight assassin
What do you think of my Hammer Heavy gameplay, how could I improve/what did I do bad?
A Little Gravity Vortex Steal