Finally getting to experience it live!!!
What's your least favourite map and why is it Vaal Factory?
Good Morning America 🇺🇸
First map with 5 breaches!!
Think ima need a PC lol..Would be dope if GGG added a cursor mechanic by a push of a button for consoles
Why can't i go up right?
1 belt 1 chance
Do players buy unidentified gear?
Is 208% widowhail good enough for Pconc?
This thing almost gave me a brain stroke 😭😭😭😭😭
What is your favorite foreign language film?
Let's see who hits the nail on the head! (with rewards)
13 breaches…177% quant…its show time
Astramentis giveaway
Learn from my mistake, don't instantly buy that high value item you've deferred as soon as you can afford it.
i f*cked up
What should I be doing to progress?
Deadeye ranger giveaway. valued around 100+ divine.
Is this worth anything? How do I know what to sell things for?
What happens when the new season starts?
Justice plz :'(
Giveway - attri stacker Legionnaire
Giving away my Stormweaver Spark build and all my Currency! Just comment under this post and i will chose a random person 2 hours after posting.
"I Have Lethal On You. If I Don't Kill You Right Here and Now, You Cannot Negatively Impact Me In Any Way Until It's Just Us Left In The Game"