Finally did it, screw the haters
Do not sleep with your phone near you if it’s not on airplane mode.
Pocket Circuit Premium Course Time Attack
If you disagree with them, you are defending nazis
Smurf Study Preview: 73% Of Bronze, Silver And Gold Games Have At Least 1 Player That Doesn't Belong There (And Is Likely Smurfing).
Former OW Players, Who Were Your Mains Before Rivals (& Mains in Rivals?)
So the hate campaign against marvel rivals is just bazaar... some of the comments are just straight up misinformation.
Anon cheats
Can people on this sub learn that vanguards aren't the ones that deal with flyers?
Cool guys don't look at explosions 😎
Why two-handed?
If Console players can choose not to play with PC players, then PC players should have the choice not to play in lobbies like this
Anyone else this dedicated?
I feel disappointed in this community that I've had two Human Torches in almost every single game I've played and yet I'm still the only one do to this :(
[KCD1] Who else just ripped and teared their way out of Vranik?
Human torch should've been a ground character who's ult makes him fly and shoot fireballs
Why was this removed from the game?
6,000 and growing!
Tanks in smite 2
How to go into the practice mode with friends?
Did anon pass or fail the test?
No points gained from store purchase.
[KCD1] How many potions can you put in cooking pots for NPCs to eat?
Giveaway, Regal Rivals Code
Being a fan of these two makes fan spaces kinda sad to be in sometimes