About this Trapinch "leak". It originated on Twitter and it made it to some of those leak videos (and thumbnails). How trustworthy is this Trapinch image? Can we confirm with some source if it's true or fake?
How likely is for Flygon to FINALLY get a Mega Evolution in Legends ZA?
We know Sinosauropteryx having the banded tail and reddish/white colors. With description of Huadanosaurus however, that coloration is thought to belong to the Huadano. It's still puzzling me, does Sinosauropteryx have that recognizable coloration and banded tail or not?
Do I sound nostalgia blinded by just wanting Game Freak to do better and be actually inventive? At least the Galar Badges had some substance by forming some sort of jigsaw. And yes, Kanto has some worse designs too, but then they improved in later gens, then why to again downgrade?
Probably weird question but, how did Alan avoid getting sued by Nintendo when he made Animation vs. Pokémon? Cuz, you know how notorious Nintendo is to fan games and other stuff. Cuz I would also like to make a fan animated stuff on Pokémon.
Fight me, we need more obscure dinosaurs to have big role in movies and other media than just T. Rex T. Rex T. Rex! Disney's Dinosaur Carnotaurus is a great example of the variety we need more of nowadays!
Can we agree on Lightning rods being underrated copper feature, while fans keep suggesting an use than decoration blocks
Wattles is slowly but surely devolving into that oversaturated sensationalistic speculations creator. Overhyping every second thing, even starting to use those cursed fake Twitter post thumbnails. You weren't always like this. Such content makes kids so spoiled, the moment Mojang does otherwise.