Whats your favourite drug?
Nothing happened?
Why does being stoned give me a bad high usually?
Why is your physically appearance effected so dramatically while tripping?
MXPr what is it and how can i dose?
Other deliriants
Carts vs Vapes which is worse for you
If you could choose any drug that won't take your lifetime while you're high on it, which drug would you choose?
I absolutely fucking hate sobriety
Lets see everyone's drug list
Writing Stories On Different Drugs
hey spirits would you eat shit for 100 million dollars (with taxes)?
MXPr help
do most stims feel the same?
MXPr. i know nothing about it help
Lots go boys!
An installation of 100 cast iron statues scattered throughout the park of the Houghton Hall
Took 15mg of benztropine and forgot how to wear pants
Tried fent patch 50mcg and did nothing for me. Just made me sick
Alternate way to to take datura...
if i were to cut my finger off and continue to have feeling in it could i find it?
how to use seeds?
Can I extract the dxm from the hbr chewables?
Hello friends! What about 150mg HCi benzydamine for a first time try !!
Ha ha my turn fuckers