What is your favorite quote from this game?
who is this guy? wrong answers only!!!
What character is the biggest counter to your main, and why?
Stop right here, lock screen check! ill go first
What's your guys favorite voiceline in the entire game?
My Opinion on which characters make the best duplicates
Is this subreddit becomong a strategist hugbox?
Based on a recent match
Hope you guys like my fanart of my mains :)
I was BEGGING my DPS to flank the mostly isolated healers. But when they didn't, I took matters into my own hands.
From a Loki Main...
As a support main, who are the most ANNOYING players to heal?
Why are people so afraid to PUSH?!
Loki's "Deception" needs a rework.
Credits @twiin4editz on instagram for this amazing MASHUP
YOU. SLIME RANCER FANS. What's your reasoning for liking the game?
Show of hands, how many of you would buy a Lady Loki skin? If so, what voice actress would you choose to redub the lines?
"The only thing I killed was my outfit today,"
so now we have to upvote our 4 and 15 spiderman realy
Band for 100 years
Thoughts about this so far?
Moon knight did not need any buffs
Normal people vs me as strategist
Venom got that movement
Average Duelist player lore