My favourite maths symbol is integral.
I like the letter Ö very much.
What came first?
kdo bi bil za vas idealen vodja drzave, ki mislite da lahko popelje Slovenijo res naprej?
Everything's cuddly if you avoid the claws :3
You guys are the best
Malica za v sluzbo
Tag #thanksHegel after every new idea
Dilema (upravljanje tujega denarja)
Opazil med gledanjem dokumentarca o alkoholizmu v rusiji
Lets hope this is the start of a major brain drain from the US to the EU
Na katerih področjih smo Slovenci v samem svetovnem vrhu?
Since it was recently Valentines day, what feilds of mathematics do y'all ship? 💖
O katerem delu naše zgodovine govorimo premalo?
What’s a part of your country’s history that’s almost never talked about?
Kva teb ni jasn
Vem da fušam ampak se učim iz youtuba😊
Je sploh kateri studij pri nas dobickonosen?
"Nietzsche didn’t celebrate ‘God is Dead.’
Well, that's a pleasant surprise.
Katera so nenapisana pravila v Sloveniji?
What’s an unwritten rule in your country that outsiders always break?
The entire Naruto series from Itachi’s perspective
What’s the purpose of these folding handles mostly seen in library desks in Germany?
kako pristopit 2.0