Here are 10 commandments I wrote for those who believes in me to follow.
I got an irl boyfriend
What's your favorite word that begins with an N ?
What age range are you most likely to date?
My transphobic ass “friend”
Is it fucked that I listen to Scotty doesn't know while talking to my boyfriend? 😭😭😭
any of you who are both satanist and hellenic polytheist /pagan
Does anyone else avoid their hyperfixations?
OKAY, OKAY, but what are your thoughts on still-masc, manly femboys??
Fer sure maybe? ^_^
Bru bru bru
Will you stay single forever?
Is this pin okay to wear?
term for your gender being incomprehensible to humans
Another LGBTQ survey since the last one I saw categorized things incorrectly
Why are femboys always sexulised???
Im a trans girl
Does tertiary attraction make you "gay"?
When an alter first forms do you know or do you have to learn?
How many of you are lgbtq, and which one are you
i love the block button
Do you eat meat?
Does your OP on trump change the fact he wanted trans women in women's sports in the 2012 now claiming they have a unfair advantage Banning trans women from womens sports t
I don't understand dating as a system
Why do we feel the need to lable ourselves ?