Looking for a name!
My sister names tadc characters!!
If you could have any hairstyle from the princesses, which one would you choose?
Give him a different name
Hello, I'm Jax's PR manager (Fan account obviously) and I'm here to clear things up about Jax. Ask him questions here!
I really hope Jax's episode comes out this year. He's probably the most complex character in the show and I feel we've only seen the surface of him
Somehow, I thought about this in my mind and now I am deciding to ask all of you guys... What type of adventure do you all might think Pomni herself would enjoy the most?
Joey Tribbiani once said...
Who would it be in Hilda?
Anya Won! Who goes in the last box
Ever thought that the movie's whole massage was: "It pays to be faithful to your wife & family"?
Donovan and. Garden Guy won! Who ate all thr areas and will do it again
Melinda Won! Who's in the bottom left box?
Yor won! Who ate all the oreos and is sorry
What would you do if you see Pucca sad, but you're not Garu?
It's absolute peak
So Yor won pretty quick, who's middle middle
Where are they going next?
Saw this, reminded me of the forgers
Fiona and Franky won! Who's in left middle
Remember when we thought these would play much larger roles in each episode?
Damian won! Who's in the top right box
Yuri in the first box! Who's Yeah I ate all the oreas so what?
So cool.
Anyone else feels we might get a timeskip at some point?