Don't be surprised if, in pursuing this idea of a cataclysm, Mike and Bryan and the writers actually make it Korra's fault -- even if they don't intend it
So with the direction Avatar Seven Havens is going, who else thinks with this, the Dark Avatar may return?
Do you'll also think that the decision to end the connection with the past lives harmed the public's view of Korra much more?
If May & Dawn happened to go to Kalos to try out Showcases for a hiatus trip from Contests, how well would they do? Would either one be able to take the Kalos Queen title?
Our girl Korra went through and overcame so much. She’s a true warrior & a true survivor!
Need a show of Fin, Huang and Munch solving a variety of crimes together. How we name it?
I thought of a new scene we could have in Seven Havens if Asami is still alive and it would be POWERFUL.
How would the course of the series go if Aisha never left
It Was Honestly Wrong to Continue the Show Without Spencer, It Just Doesn't Feel Right
Why does everyone assume the worldbuilding from both ATLA and LOK are gone in the new show?
Korra fighting while being chained up is like one of the top moments in the show. Saying “she can’t fight” is insane😂
Looking back at the movies, if you were in the position of Ash and the characters to interact with legendary/special Pokémon, which would you be friends with the most/least?
Korra gets a lot of crap for having a worse team avatar, but let’s be honest it had the better ensemble cast by far.
New Avatar series announced on the official Facebook page
Okay but can we talk about just how epic this fight actually was??
At this point I hope she destroys the world just for the heck of it
With Season 6 over & looking back, I wish these two still got to fight
Would Korra have descendants?
For you, what is the best and worst book/season?
Do you think Rohan will be in the new show? (Tenzins youngest child)
Theory: Unalaq returns and is the reason the Avatar is viewed as humanity's destroyer
It’s not about hating Korra, it’s about starting the new cycle with her as new Wan
Are Korra haters purposely misreading this???
I think revealing this premise, especially this early, was a mistake.