It would be pretty funny if wilds had a day one patch that buffs every monster to deal times ten damage due to the criticism of it being too easy
Xu Wu gameplay [downloaded from bilibili]
AsteriskAmpers1: "Correction, Seregios is in not base game, and Zinogre isn't anywhere on the game files"
Xu Wu pic from 4chan thread
Until we know for sure, do not take asterisk's word for granted about Seregios
Further Confirmation of Roster Size from prominent MH Modder
Overview of weapons per monster and weapons per element
Strange that people are just now talking about the quantity of the roster.
I don't see the point of mid-tier monsters being in title updates
The Arkveld Conspiracy, The Last Areas, A Strange Conversation, and an Update from Me
@BasedLagi on Twitter is definitely looking at the leaks and disguising them as theories.
First look at guardian creatures
Maximiliandood has confirmed that the base PS5 version of Wilds runs MUCH better than the beta (footage included)
Open Beta Test 2 Preload is Live! (And also how Decos work and a couple things on Weapons)
Confirmation of a Speculated TU monster found in the Benchmark
Is the 20th Anniversary Zinogre render (different from IB and Rise models) the design they will use in Wilds?
First PC Build - What CPU and motherboard to pair with RX 7800 XT?
Next Trailer in a few days! GIVE ME ICESHARD CLIFFS
Nerfarious black flame name
A Breakdown of Monsters by Hunter Rank
A Brief Look and Some Observations at the High Rank Weapon Trees
Wilds title updates wishlist/prediction
Considering Wilds is taking a lot of inspiration from MH4, how do you think Wilds roster compares to base MH4? And to Rise?
How the Monster Leaks are making me Feel right Now: (This will be one of the best Base Roster in the Franchise)
New Insight on how Progression (almost certainly) works + Chapters + Final Boss (basically) Confirmed + Possible TU implications