Most depraved Emperor's Child and Daemonette meeting the least evil of Hell's Soldiers
Just imagine
“Rebuilding iacon can not begin with an execution”
can they?
Cosmic Tentacle Horror from Outer Space
What are your season 9 wishes?
Gamesworkshop you can't ignore us forever!
Personally, I think a lot of them just wanna fit in even when they hate the thing
Humanity knows no bounds
They also eat trash in my world
Once had a setting go from biblically-inspired Bronze Age fantasy to sci-fi Renaissance because I rewatched Treasure Planet and read the source books for Eclipse Phase
Anyone else think we should be able to colonize worlds with very primitive Pre-FTL civilizations on them?
Challenge time!
The emperor is a redditor.
Tropes are fun
Lost Human Colonies be like
No jokes just James Stokoe's art going hard as fuck
Since Andrias is no longer a king, who's gonna rule Amphibia?
My guess as to why the UNE emblem is centered on that part of Earth, based off of the special blockers/features on UNE Earth.
The Machine Age | Developer AMA!
Sufficiently Advanced Cool Factor
The dilution of degrees doesn’t happen in 40k