24 set granulating Holbein
My problem with the phrase "season of life" as a mother
How do you respond gracefully to unwanted parenting advice/criticism?
First Communion Dresses for girls
Ultrasound Gel
My boyfriend of 2 years is thinking of priesthood
Ideas for Getting Acrylates out of Clothes?
My Passion for Green Apples Ruined My Reputation & Day.
Giving up useless Internet for Lent
Have I harmed my baby’s brain?
Brown scapular
Dress code?
When did the Church stop cooperating with forced marriages?
Desiring marriage and trusting God
hip bursitis 24 F
Different libido levels
Any other women who veil outside of mass?
Looking for feedback!
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Hardest Book You've Ever Read and Why?
‘It’s a Tricky Time to Date’: Why Catholic Courting Is So Hard Right Now
ISO Videos on Euthanasia/Assisted Suicide
I am a 50 year old male, and have noticed that a lot of women at 50 are actually in better shape than most guys at 50, why is this? A lot of us 50 year old guys are old a gimpy, but, for some reason women hold up a lot better than men?
Bereaved Mothers Day
Broken off engagements?