Is it worth ?
Shall i get rubia
Found hexys tinder
I've been collecting them like pokemon
Les concessions veulent vraiment vendre des voitures ?
I'll buy you any steam game you choose, up to the value of $100! (+ my two previous games)
Il a désamorcé l’escalade
Refus de titre restaurant
Comportement étrange écran
My Lucy and Rebecca cosplay (by electro_alice)
Comment sonne le français de France pour un Québécois ?
I just screwed it up. Has anyone had this?
Giveaway: Any Game on Steam (2x up to $100)
Je cherche un nouveau casque et j'aimerai l'avis de personnes plus calées que moi sur le sujet :)
AKNES|8BitDo Retro Mechanical Numpad - GIVEAWAY again!
MEKIBO Final Giveaway: KEI V2
I just applied to be part of Lily Phillips record breaking attempt to sleep with 1000 men in 24 hours.
18, am i ugly?
20f - not happy with how I look, can someone tell me how to improve cause I’ve been told I’m ugly
Hommes de reddit, si on parlait fringues ?
Fantasia Friday Giveaway
Les 2 images les plus représentatives de la France
Red Pandas use their tails as Pillows
Submit a picture of your cat as I will draw them for the next 24 hours. ❤️
Anyone else sceptical that you'll make it to the divine reward for this event?
How do you all remove hair from your balls?