I miss Barbie summer 🩷💖🩷💖
How important is it that your politics aligns with your partners?
Hi mum! If you were out and saw a 14 year old girl wearing heels what would you think?
Our grandmas/great grandmas did not want 10-20 kids....
What TV shows are good for young children?
Why does it bother me so much when my partners ask me not to cut my hair?
How do you make a good lasagna?
Another styling of my sweater dress.
What is at the basis of men's hate for women?
I was literally dismissed for being an older woman
In a change from pink floral dresses, how about a green floral dress?
How many people would it take to forge a sword out of
Just found out everyone gets $3500 Christmas bonuses except the blue collars like me.
Happy Holidays from.our family to yours!
question about a specific prejudice in the early 1980s
Do people actually die from lack of health care in the U.S?
Is leaving the toilet seat up considered rude?
Spotted in MA. Is the styling or the apostrophe significant?
does this work?
Wednesday Wishes. Please place a wish that you want to be delivered, and who you want it to go out to. This is for smaller stuff than the big Sunday Spell. This will run each Wednesday.
I think the process of losing weight is easy to understand. Is that correct?
AITA for refusing to bail my friend out of jail after he hit his wife?
I need help creating trauma
AITA for serving vegan food at the BBQ I hosted? My family won't talk to me anymore and I'm mortified.